Best Practices

Conversion Rate Optimization

About Us Page

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What is an about us page?

Your ‘About Us’ page is one of the most important pages on your website, and it needs to be well crafted. This is the page that tells the story of the business and the business owner/s.

Why is the about us page important?

This page happens to be one of the most commonly overlooked pages when small business owners are developing their website. The reason this page is so important today is because more and more consumers want to connect with the business owners values and their ‘why’ or purpose of existence. Are you following the best practices on your ‘about us’ page?

Here are some great tips for crafting your ‘about us’ or ‘our story’ page:

  1. If you have a clear brand identity & purpose, it will be easier to translate that into an about page.
  2. Share your mission. What is your brand purpose?
  3. Keep it brief.
  4. Start by talking about your audience, not yourself
  5. Include different forms of media. Make your about page a feast for the eyes by considering the use of photos, timelines, videos or infographics.
  6. Tell a story. Inspire your potential customers with a real and relatable story about your brand and yourself
  7. Use simple language, cut our the jargon. Some of your visitors will not understand industry related terms, so keep the language simple and consistent.
  8. Test it. Don’t be afraid to change it once it’s live. Keep checking your Google Analytics data and Hotjar data to understand how your visitors react to your about page.

HubSpot prepared this list with the top 26 best ‘about us’ and ‘about me’ pages so you can get inspired:

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